SAP ANZ inspiring youth through technology


Strong strategic alignment of an IT company supporting education in STEM for disadvantaged communities.”


  • Leading technology company SAP recognises that as our world and workplaces change, the importance of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills increases.
  • SAP recognises that we need industry, schools and universities to work together to close the skills gap now and into the future to meet increasing demand for ICT workers.
  • Research showing that only 40 per cent of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds reach a proficient standard in information and communication technology (ICT), inspired SAP to work with longstanding workplace giving partner, The Smith Family, to address this issue.
  • Together they launched the ‘Young ICT Explorers (YICTE) Accelerator Program’ to provide schools and teachers in low socio-economic communities with the resources and knowledge students need for their digital careers.
  • The programme includes specialised teacher training, including robotics and coding, industry mentoring and financial contributions.
  • The two organisations also collaborate on The Smith Family’s Work Inspiration events where disadvantaged students participate in work experience at SAP offices. Students connect with mentors and participate in ICT skills workshops, as well as receive practical advice on interviewing and resume writing.
  • The first year of the YICTE Accelerator Program has delivered a huge increase in the number of entrants from disadvantaged schools into SAP’s annual student competition.


  • 30% of entrants in the ‘2017 Young ICT Explorers Competition’ from disadvantaged schools
  • All disadvantaged schools made it through their state final
  • 200 students attended ‘Work Inspiration’ events
  • 160 SAP employees worked with students on the program